Unlocking the Secret of the Eye-Catching Big Milkweed Bug and Simple Ways to Say Goodbye to It”


The large milk bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus), known as “large milk bug” in Spanish, “cimice delle piante da latte” in Italian, and “percevejo da planta do leite” in Portuguese, is an interesting insect, but it can sometimes become a nuisance in gardens and homes. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of this insect and discuss effective methods to get rid of them.


The cotton bug is a characteristic, orange-red insect with black spots. It has an oval body and measures between 10 and 12 millimeters in length. These colors serve as a warning to predators, indicating that it is toxic due to its diet of milkweed plants.

Why Get Rid of Big Milkweed Bugs?

Although these insects are ecologically important, as they feed on milkweed plants and contribute to pollination, they can become a problem when they invade gardens or homes in large numbers. Some reasons to get rid of them are:

Garden damage: Large milkweed bugs can damage milkweed plants and other crops by feeding on the seeds and sometimes the leaves. This can reduce plant growth and seed production.
Home invasion: In search of shelter, these insects can enter homes, becoming a nuisance to homeowners.
Stains and Odor: When crushed, large bed bugs can leave stains and give off a foul odor, making them unpleasant to have around.

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