How to get very shiny and halo-free mirrors? The cleaning experts explain the three-minute method that you can use immediately.
Is there a way to get very shiny mirrors without these annoying halos ? Thanks to the cleaning experts, everything can be cleaned effortlessly, with perfect mirrors like those you see in hotels. All you need is a natural ingredient.
Why do halos appear?
Mirror halos are a common problem that can affect the quality of the reflected image, both in car rearview mirrors and home mirrors.
One of the main causes is dirt and grease deposits on the reflective surface. When we clean mirrors, we often don’t completely remove these deposits, leaving behind small traces of dirt that cause halos to form.
Very clean mirrors with no streaks
Another common cause of halos on mirrors is the buildup of moisture on the reflective surface . The humidity present in the air or direct contact with water can leave traces that lead to the formation of halos. This is particularly noticeable in damp environments or high humidity. To avoid moisture buildup on mirrors, keep them dry and clean them regularly.
Very shiny mirrors without streaks: just a natural ingredient is enough
Luckily, there’s an inexpensive, natural remedy that can keep glass shiny, clean, and streak-free: white vinegar . How do you achieve perfect results when cleaning windows with white wine vinegar? The cleaning experts explain.
water and white wine vinegar
White wine vinegar is a natural product that contains acetic acid, a powerful cleaning and degreasing agent. Its acid content makes it particularly effective at removing stains, limescale and soap residue from glass. To use white vinegar to clean windows, follow these simple steps:
Make a diluted vinegar solution : In a clean spray container, mix equal parts white vinegar and water. For example, you can use one cup of vinegar and one cup of water. This dilution is important to prevent the vinegar from damaging surrounding materials and to ensure effective cleaning;
Apply vinegar solution: Spray the diluted vinegar solution onto the glass surfaces to be cleaned. Make sure you evenly cover the entire area to be cleaned;
Wipe gently with a cloth : Using a soft, non-abrasive cloth, gently wipe the glass to remove dirt and debris. Make sure you cover all surfaces, including corners and edges.
Rinse with clean water : After wiping the glass with the vinegar solution, rinse it thoroughly with clean water. This removes any vinegar residue and leaves the glass clean and streak-free.
Dry with a clean cloth : Finally, dry the glass with a clean, absorbent cloth to avoid streaks or stains from air drying.

Another common cause of halos on mirrors is the buildup of moisture on the reflective surface . The humidity present in the air or direct contact with water can leave traces that lead to the formation of halos. This is particularly noticeable in damp environments or high humidity. To avoid moisture buildup on mirrors, keep them dry and clean them regularly.
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