Vinegar in the washing machine to remove limescale

The washing machine is an essential appliance because it washes all the clothes and returns them scented and sanitized. Unfortunately, this appliance is also delicate and continuous contact with water can lead to limescale formation.

Calcare nella lavatrice

In order not to compromise its functionality, vinegar is ideal for removing limescale from the washing machine. How to do it? Pour a litre of white wine vinegar into the drum and then start the programme at 30° (with the wash empty).

Vinegar eliminates bad odors

White spirit vinegar is superlative when it comes to getting rid of all bad odors. Many times, washing machines are not cleaned and clothes take on an unbearable smell. In this case, take vinegar and mix it with half a liter of water; Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray it inside the drum: leave it on for 60 minutes with the door open and you’re done.

If the smell is persistent, add half a glass of organic lemon juice to the mixture, which will help disinfect and smell good. The same mixture can be used to clean the washing machine drawer.

Cattivo odore in lavatrice

Softens clothes and lightens colors

This white alcohol vinegar is also used to soften clothes naturally. It penetrates the fabrics and softens without spoiling the weft. Pour 4 tablespoons of vinegar into the dedicated bathtub during the last rinse for a surprising effect.

To add a touch of fragrance, use essential oils and you will no longer have to buy fabric softener. To revive the colors that have faded, the advice is to use this product by pouring a measuring spoon into the fabric softener container to fix the color and leave the garments as good as new.

In addition to the brightening aspect, it will also serve to counteract the build-up of detergent that is the number one culprit of fabric discoloration. An important note: the wash water should be cold and not hot.

Due to its natural whitening effect

In the case of white garments, it is always difficult to know how to act correctly. They are delicate and often tend to yellow, ending up in the trash.

To restore the natural whiteness, simply pour a small cup of white brandy vinegar into the bucket of the washing machine and start the special washing for white clothes: its whitening power will surprise you.

Capi bianchi in lavatrice

As a general rule, before using these methods, always check the manufacturer’s recommendations and the characteristics of the washing machine so as not to damage it.