Wash and Whiten Yellowed Pillows


Be honest here. Do you wash your pillows? I’m talking about the actual PILLOW itself, not just the sham.

That’s what I thought.

Up until the beginning of this year, I never even thought to wash the actual pillow itself. And who knows how OLD the sixteen pillows we have on our bed are (we seriously have around that number because the hubs and I fight over pillows EVERY NIGHT). The overall recommendation that I’ve read is that pillows should be washed twice a year.

Honestly, when I started washing our pillows for the first time, it was kind of gross taking in and seeing how YELLOW our pillows really were. I know, TMI and way over sharing. But if you think about it, when we are sleeping, our bodies sweat and cool down to keep our body regulated. Imagine with me here: as the sweat dries, it’s kind of similar to the part of a soaked T-shirt under the armpits after profusely sweating – it gets yellow. Gross!

So every January and July, I diligently ensure that I wash all of our pillows. Not only that, since I’m going through the hassle anyway, I tackle the yellowing problem.

Bleach is my answer. I don’t know about you, but I fret every time I have to use liquid bleach. From opening a new bottle and having to tear off the protecting cover to carefully pouring it in a tiny spout on my washer, I can always bet that I’ll somehow manage to splash it on the shirt I’m wearing, my hands, or somehow getting it on the floor.

Low and behold, Clorox has come out with two innovative products that will solve my bleach woes: Clorox Bleach Crystals and Clorox Bleach Packs. These two products take the fear out of using bleach with no more spills, splashes, or bleach damage by activating with water only.

As an added benefit, the Clorox Bleach Packs not only are easy to use, but you can toss it in and walk away from your laundry. Seriously, I love the new innovations of cleaning products that have been created as of late that take a teeny tiny step out of a process, but makes things so convenient (think of other similarly packaged items like laundry and detergent pods). Anyway, I grabbed a few containers and brought them home to try on my pillows. Here are the results and directions on how you can wash and whiten YOUR pillows.


Here are my BEFORE photos:

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