Watermelon seeds, put them in an eggshell and plant them in the ground | You’ll see what a show it is later.


What to do with watermelon seeds

Watermelon seeds, like all other seeds, can start the germination process. It is a very simple process. Simply take an empty, previously cleaned eggshell and pour a little soil inside. Once this is done, take the watermelon seeds, previously rinsed with tap water, and pour them into the peel covered with a little soil.

At this point they are allowed to germinate and the soil is watered periodically. The result will be incredible. Once the plant is born, it can be transferred to the ground and there you will see many small watermelons growing . The seeds can also be saved for use days later. They can be kept for a maximum of two days in an airtight bag to freeze in the refrigerator.
Vitamins, potassium, magnesium, this is what a slice of watermelon consumed with all the seeds gives us

Watermelon seeds contain many B vitamins , which are very good for the liver. As well as magnesium, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper and phosphorus. As for iron, if you eat the seeds directly along with the pulp that contains vitamin C , they allow the body to assimilate it quickly.

They are also a remedy against fatigue , because iron is one of the most important components of hemoglobin, which is why it helps transport oxygen and nourishes the body’s tissues and organs. They contain arginine that helps regulate blood pressure and therefore prevent coronary heart disease, L citrulline that repairs tissues and promotes muscle rest. Watermelon with its seeds is suitable for losing weight although it contains many sugars, this is because it is low in calories.
How to eat watermelon seeds alternatively

Watermelon seeds can be eaten as is or toasted in the oven at 180° for just 10 minutes. They can become a healthy snack, or they can be used to season soups and salads or to prepare infusions with diuretic properties .
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