Make your pillows like new again by following these simple steps, they will be cleaner and more disinfected than ever! You will not need detergents and chemicals.
Over time, our cushions tend to turn yellow . They absorb dirt night after night and create stains that may seem irreparable. Inside, however, a perfect environment is created for the proliferation of mites and bacteria.
The cushions absorb a lot of dirt and little by little their color changes, presenting large yellow halos . The mites begin to proliferate and the pillowcase is not enough to protect it. Every night we rest our face on our soft pillow: it is one of the most delicate areas of our body and we must make sure we rest on a bacteria-free surface. The beauty and health of our skin could be greatly affected.
The situation we have just described is not exactly rosy, you probably want to go wash all the pillows you have at home! Great idea, but follow this little guide that will allow you to obtain impeccable results using ingredients you already have at home. Fortunately, there are notable solutions to whiten and sanitize our pillow, now we will explain them to you.
They will come back like new: this is how
There are four home tricks for deep cleaning our pillows, and it is advisable to use them at least once a month.
The first trick involves using baking soda and vinegar . It is an all-natural blend that has whitening and softening powers, it will remove any sweat stains and studies from the University of Iowa confirm this. The necessary doses are 80 grams of baking soda and half a cup of white wine vinegar, about 125 ml. The procedure consists of placing the cushions in the washing machine adding the doses just mentioned, completing the washing and exposing the cushions to the sun to dry completely.
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