Why should you no longer wash chicken with water?


Raw chicken
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Raw chicken – Source: spm
How to cook chicken in the best way?
Warning: while certain foods can be eaten raw, never consider eating your chicken raw. To ensure it is cooked properly, use a kitchen thermometer. Chicken is cooked and safe when it reaches 160°F (73.8°C).

It is essential to wash cutting boards that have been used with soap and water to remove any possibly contaminated residue.

According to a publication by the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), salmonella is one of the leading causes of food poisoning. Its main trigger is chicken, so much so that in the United States, we know that one in twenty-five packages of this food is contaminated by this bacteria.

To avoid salmonella poisoning, it is recommended to cook the chicken properly, not to wash it with water and to ensure that the juices from its flesh do not come into contact with other surfaces or food. This will keep any disease-causing bacteria away from your food, the environment, and your stomach.

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