Mayo Clinic says that licorice appears to show promise in treating GERD. To make licorice tea, Top 10 Home Remedies suggests placing 1/2 teaspoon licorice root in 1 cup of water. Bring it to a boil and let it steep for 5 minutes before straining the licorice out. Drink the tea 15 to 20 minutes before you eat.
2. Chamomile. Another herb that shows promise, according to Mayo Clinic, is chamomile. FOOD makes tea by placing chamomile flowers in hot water and letting them steep for 2 to 3 minutes before straining them.
3. Baking soda. Medical News Today recommends trying the old standby of baking soda. Dr. Oz says to dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water and drink it.
4. Gum. Strange as it may sound, WebMD recommends chewing sugar-free gum. The gum triggers the production of saliva which helps break up the acid.
5. Avoid. Another WebMD tip is to avoid the foods that trigger the heartburn. For those who suffer from acid reflux, foods to be avoided are peppermint, caffeine, soda, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions and high-fat foods.
6. Relax. Stress can make acid reflux worse or trigger it. Healthline says to find ways to manage your stress. You can try deep breathing exercises, yoga or something else.
7. Incline. Mayo Clinic recommends elevating your upper torso when you sleep at night. You can use a wedge pillow. This will keep the acid from your stomach from coming up.
GERD doesn't have to mean the end of your life. Figure out your triggers and how best to control them. Make some minor adjustments, and you can have relief!