A Natural Way to Keep Pests Away: Bay Leaves and Cloves


Crafting and strategically arranging many little sachets throughout your house might provide a more extensive impression.

The Process
After half an hour, the pungent aromas of the bay leaves and cloves will begin to fill the room, making these natural repellents a must-have. The strong olfactory senses of flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches make them naturally hostile to these pests. It helps deter pests for a long time and has an instant impact.

Extra Advice
Keep It Up: Every few weeks, swap out the bay leaves and cloves for new ones to keep them effective. Their aromas may diminish over time.

Bay leaves and cloves are powerful natural repellents on their own, but they will work much better when combined with other methods of good hygiene, such as maintaining a clean house and using appropriate food storage.

In summary
An all-natural, fragrant remedy for removing cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes from your house is to use bay leaves and cloves. There's no need to resort to harsh chemicals when you can get the same results with this simple and inexpensive alternative. Try it out and relax in an insect-free zone!