A special trick to clean burners in the easiest way: try it and you will be amazed by the results!


First, remove the cooking grates from the stove.

Clean them separately with a metal brush.

Then, remove the burners as well.

Place them in a pot.

Sprinkle a packet of dry yeast over them.

And pour half a liter of Coca-Cola.

The mixture will begin to react.

Leave them in this solution for 20 minutes.

Remove the burners from the solution.

Wash them.

Place them back in the pot and cover with boiling water.

Leave them in the water for a few minutes to soften them.

Then you just need a metal brush to clean them.

Thanks to the mixture they were submerged in, this will be very easy.

The burners can be easily cleaned from the black layer of burnt on grease.

Wash and dry them.

Put them back in place.

Now the burners are clean, without the nasty burnt film, and will be easier to maintain in the future.

Here is the final result.