Almost no one knows this trick to clean carpets in 15 minutes! They look new!


Reviving mixture You will need: 20 g of citric acid 200 ml of boiling water 400 ml of cold water

Procedure: Dissolve the citric acid in hot water and dilute it with cold water.

Clean the carpet in circular motions using a cloth.

The carpet will be perfectly clean, disinfected and the colors will be revived.

Now let it dry.

You can see the entire process in the video attached at the end of the article.

An amazing home trick to clean your carpet in minutes and effortlessly.

A great trick to make cleaning the carpet easier without too much effort.

You will certainly find everything you need at home.

You will need: 1 washing gel capsule a lid hot water a microfibre cloth

Procedure: Start by vacuuming the carpet.

Place the gel capsule in a larger bowl.

Add some hot water.

Mix with your hand, wearing a protective glove to make the gel capsule dissolve faster.

Using the gel capsule can dry the skin, so it is best to use a protective glove.

Dip the microfiber cloth in the prepared solution.

Tighten the cloth tightly.

Get a smaller lid.

Wrap the wet cloth around it and secure it on top with an elastic rubber to make it stick well.

Now scrub the carpet in circular motions.

You will immediately see that this way you can also easily remove any stains.

Re-soak the cloth if necessary.

Tighten the cloth well, it must not be too wet.

You can also use the same method for upholstered furniture.

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