Calluses, corns and foot fungus: how to eliminate them forever and naturally


Calluses, corns and foot fungus: how to eliminate them forever and naturally

Fungi and calluses are disorders that usually do not involve dangers or risks to health, but are unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view and, in the most serious cases, can even be uncomfortable to the point of preventing us from walking correctly.

Onychomycosis is an infection of the nails caused by a fungus. The infection spreads under the nail, separating it from the flesh and causing fractures or even the entire nail to fall off.

The factors that cause nail fungus are various, and range from exposure to humid and hot environments, the use of incorrect shoes or injuries to the nails.

Calluses, on the other hand, are caused by constant pressure or friction on the skin, which thickens. The main cause is the use of inappropriate or too tight footwear.

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