Cling film: Place it on each shelf of the refrigerator and see what happens!


Cling film: Place it on each shelf of the refrigerator and see what happens!

It is essential to prevent the formation of germs and bacteria in the refrigerator. Our care must be maximum, but the commitment to cleaning it can sometimes be neglected.

It takes a long time and we are always in a hurry!

But it’s worth starting here! Let’s take a moment and empty it completely, then clean each shelf. We can use a mixture of water and lemon juice or water and vinegar. Dampen a soft cloth and wipe it on the surfaces. Dry carefully.

Now let’s take a roll of plastic wrap. Let’s cut it out of a sheet of paper the exact size of each shelf to create a sort of protective barrier.

The cellophane will have a dual function: on the one hand, we no longer run the risk of scratching surfaces with what we keep in the refrigerator; On the other hand, it will free us from the need to clean it often. In fact, if any liquid or leftover food gets it dirty, simply remove the film and replace it with a clean film!

Great, right?