Experienced housewives put aluminum foil at the entrance to the house to get rid of a serious problem


Aluminum foil is never missing at home. Particularly useful in the kitchen, thanks to its insulating properties, it allows us to better preserve our food and keep our dishes hot. But, beyond the culinary field, this unique and versatile material is also used to alleviate various household tasks, in particular as a fabric softener in the washing machine or to combat static electricity. Even stranger, it also helps plants grow and flower. We are going to show you why it is an ally of choice in the garden. This trick will save you from a serious problem!

How to keep animals and insects away from the garden?
A cat hiding in the garden.
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A cat hiding in the garden – Source: spm

Of course, we love animals and it’s not about hurting them. But for all the gardening enthusiasts who spend hours tending their garden and plantings, there is reason to be furious when cats and birds come to destroy a long-term job. Having animals constantly roaming around the garden is a real pain for anyone who wants to preserve their precious plants. Whether small or large, animals can cause reckless damage to the gardens we lovingly maintain. However, it is not about resorting to toxic repellents that could further damage the plantations, the environment and the animals themselves.

Were you looking for a gentle but drastic solution to expel these invaders? The one we offer you today is excellent. It does not affect the health of these animals in any way and respects the environment. As a bonus, it’s affordable and accessible to everyone. Your new secret weapon: aluminum foil. Take it out of the kitchen and follow our tips to use it wisely and banish the unwanted from your garden.

Aluminum foil: an unexpected homemade repellent

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Aluminum foil – Source: spm

We guarantee it, it is never easy to evict all these little animals that come to enjoy your crops. They often wander undisturbed and unfortunately cause serious damage to the garden and orchard. Suffocated, trampled, looted… your plants and flowers are suffering after the passage of these pests. Generally, the problem comes from cats, mice, birds and insects. To keep them away, swap harmful substances for aluminum foil, the potential of which is often underestimated. But how will this thin metal sheet help you in this area? Precisely thanks to its silver material that reflects light and makes an unpleasant sound when wrinkled.

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