For smokers and ex-smokers: 6 ways to cleanse and revitalize your lungs


Here’s a good guide to beneficial plants for the lungs: 15 Plants That Can Boost Lung Health, Cure Respiratory Infections, and Repair Lung Damage

Licorice root is the herb that covers just about all of these attributes. It may create side effects for some due to its glycyrrhizin content. But products based on licorice extract are available without glycyrrhizin. They are known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL licorice.

Lobelia, ironically known as Indian tobacco, helps clear the airways to make breathing easier. It even works for asthma attacks.

5) Detoxification is necessary for the entire regeneration period. By eliminating or reducing your toxic load, you will relieve your immune system and allow the reconstruction of new tissue to occur.

Point 1 of this article is an absolute prerequisite for detoxification. Foods such as chlorella and cilantro consumed regularly can help eliminate heavy metals, especially from the liver. Zeolite in raw (non-liquid) form is very useful.

Make sure you drink plenty of fluoride-free, purified water and find ways to sweat more. If you can, use a sauna.

6) Serrapeptase enzymes are very powerful enzymes capable of absorbing scar tissue, heavily calcified tissue and hardened mucus deposits. They led to a spectacular recovery for a British patient suffering from emphysema a few years ago.