Noé recently celebrated his 21st birthday, on November 1st. Despite his young age, he has already left his mark in the fashion world, having walked for prestigious brands like Zadig et Voltaire and Dolce & Gabbana. Living in Los Angeles with his mother, Noé, like many young people his age, was very active on social networks.
However, for some time, Noé has completely disappeared from Instagram, where he had 152,000 subscribers. His last publication dates back to July 3, 2020, where he appeared masked in an elevator, in the company of what appeared to be his girlfriend. Since this photo, no further activity has been observed on his account.
This silence has intrigued many of his fans and followers. Currently, her Instagram bio describes her account as a “religious organization” and her profile picture is a glowing religious cross. This radical transformation raises questions: where has Noah gone? What is he doing today? The mystery remains on the web.
Noé’s absence is not limited to Instagram. The young man’s accounts on the X and Facebook platforms are also inactive. Perhaps he chose to move away from social networks to lead a more discreet life, far from the pressure linked to his status as “son of”. It is also possible that he uses a pseudonym to preserve his anonymity.
Regardless, one thing is certain: Noé Elmaleh has distanced himself from public life on social networks. His fans, curious and worried, may have to wait to learn more about the direction his life is taking. For now, the mystery remains.