In an unexpected change of events, a regular day saw a strange incident involving a bus full of passengers. One perceptive passenger noticed something odd on the driver’s coat as they silently drove along. He was shocked to find hundreds of insects crawling all over the driver’s ears and neck!
The driver, Primo Onipa, was astounded by what he saw. With haste, he pulled out his phone and videotaped the whole thing. He posted the video on Facebook, calling the insects lice, out of disgust and indignation. He wished to bring attention to the matter and make the bus driver responsible for his unhygienic behavior.
Primo claimed that the bus driver smelled bad and didn’t look like he’d had a shower or changed his clothes in over a year. The driver appeared unaffected by the infestation in the startling pictures, acting as though these little parasites were just a normal part of his existence.
The video swiftly went viral on social media, inciting a backlash among online users. Many people voiced their concern that a man with lice shouldn’t be in charge of ensuring the security and welfare of bus passengers.
However, what precisely are lice? These little insects feed on blood and reside on the scalp. They pump saliva into the skin during their feast, which is why we all despise the itchy, annoying itch.
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