How to clean a mattress and remove stains, dust mites and bad odors


Finally, dry the mattress, if possible, in the sun or in a well-ventilated room. You can use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

How to Clean Mattress Stains with Baking Soda

If you have a mattress that is not quite new and you have  traces of moisture or dirt  , you can use baking soda to remove them.

Mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts cold water. Apply to the mattress stain and leave to act for 30 minutes.

Remove excess solution from the mattress using a damp cloth and allow it to dry thoroughly (preferably in the sun). Finally, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any baking soda residue.

How to disinfect a mattress with vinegar

There are two ways to  remove urine stains and bad odors  : the first is the baking soda method that we described above, the second is the white vinegar method.

Dampen a clean cloth with water and liquid soap. Fill a bucket with 2 parts hot water and 1 part white vinegar, then scrub the stained areas of the mattress with the cloth. Let the mattress dry thoroughly.

Vinegar helps prevent the formation of mold and bacteria, fighting bad odors.

How to remove dust mites from a mattress

If you want to clean  to get rid of dust mites  , sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and leave for a few hours. Baking soda eliminates bad odors and dust mites.

Consider changing the sheets once a week and making the bed every morning, but don’t cover it with a bedspread.

Remember that dust mites cause allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. It is essential for your health to remove these little animals from your mattress  .