I Was the Only One Who Went to My Grandma’s Birthday Brunch — After Seeing Her Tears, I Taught My Family a Lesson


My story begins badly but concludes on a somewhat positive tone. It’s all about my Gran-Gran, who is the sweetest lady alive. This amazing woman virtually raised me, Sandra, and my brothers when our parents were divorcing.

I’m stating this so that the reader understands how valuable and dear this wonderful woman is to us, or at least me. Being the wonderful person she is and not wanting to cause difficulties, she surprised everyone ahead of her 83rd birthday.

Instead of us preparing anything special for her, my grandmother had organized a complete brunch at her place! She had all of this planned despite her deteriorating health. She got up before daybreak that day to create her own bread and pastries!


I found out about the celebration, like everyone else, through invites sent by my grandma a week in advance. As if preparing her own meals wasn’t enough, the woman had sketched and handwritten her invites, despite her shaking hands!

The effort and care she’d taken to prepare for her special day were more than enough motivation for me to attend. Yet, on the day of her birthday, I was held back by work and arrived at the party 10 minutes late.

Although I hadn’t arrived on time, I had bought her a present long ago and pitched with the gift in hand. As I walked in, I found my angel of a grandmother removing plates from the table and pouring coffee down the sink.



Confused I asked her, “Gran-Gran, did I get the time wrong for your birthday party? What happened? Where is everyone?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. I thought I had missed the festivities! But with a lump in her throat, my granny admitted:


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