Ilona Smet shares a tender moment with her son Harrison who makes a rare appearance on Instagram


However, she always takes care to preserve her son by avoiding showing his face... But this Monday, September 25, Ilona Smet exceptionally revealed the silhouette of her little boy in an Instagram story. We can discover him standing, in profile, fascinated in front of a work made of pumpkins representing Olaf and Elsa from Frozen. Little Harrison appears bigger and more amazed than ever!

A couple who has stood the test of time
The young woman also posted a selfie video of herself out for a walk, carrying her son in a baby carrier on her stomach. Even though his head is covered by the hood, you can still see Harrison's adorable little hand. Something obvious emerges from these images: Ilona Smet savors every moment spent alongside her son with happiness. While she now lives in Los Angeles, and her husband Kamran Ahmed in Monaco, their couple is more united than ever. Despite the distance, they are so in love with each other that they have already renewed their wedding vows! And even living on the other side of the world, Ilona Smet can always count on the attentive support of her mother, Estelle Lefébure, who considers little Harrison as her fourth child...