Light a candle in the toilet and you’ll want to do it again the next day – here’s why you should


Bath candle
Bath candle –
What happens in a humid and mold-rich environment is also the appearance of insects of various kinds . Some species of insects are attracted to this type of environment and rarely leave. The underlying problem is that insecticides make the surrounding air unbreathable, especially in small spaces like bathrooms. Another disadvantage of insecticides is that they do not prevent their appearance, it only acts by killing those already present without preventing their return. These chemicals are also toxic and harmful to the environment . So let’s see how we can replace commercial insecticides with a harmless product perfect for our purpose. In addition to replacing insecticides, you will also replace air fresheners. Here’s how to create our miracle candle .

DIY bath candle: here’s how to do it
To create our multifunctional candle, all we need are ingredients that we surely have at home. All we need is a lemon, some cloves and a simple unused candle . The first step is to grate the lemon: we will need its peel . Then we squeeze it to get all the juice . We combine everything in a bowl and mix with a few grams of cloves .

In the meantime, let’s melt the candle in a saucepan: when it is completely melted we will have to remove its wick , i.e. the thread contained in the candle that allows it to be lit. Pour the entire contents of the saucepan into the bowl containing the lemon peel, lemon juice and cloves. Mix quickly to prevent the wax from solidifying and pour into a glass . We position the wick in the center with the help of pliers and let everything solidify.

Lemon and cloves
Lemon and cloves –
After less than an hour our candle will be ready for use. We can place it wherever we prefer, but the best place is near the toilet. After a few minutes of turning it on we will be able to notice a pleasant smell that invades our entire bathroom: an excellent smell that will no longer make even an insect approach and which will neutralize the bad ones in the sewers. Try it for yourself, you will never do without it again .