Ooey Gooey Bars


HomeOoey Gooey Bars
Ooey Gooey Bars

Soft and airy with a slightly crunchy crust, these Ooey Gooey Bars have a mildly sweet flavor without being too sugary.

All things considered, they taste great!

So Delicious Easy to create, always well-received, and really tasty, bars are a must-try! You can’t go wrong with cake mix, butter, cream cheese, and powdered sugar as components. Being patient as they calm off will be the most challenging part!

What else about this dish makes it so tempting? It’s so simple that anybody can create it. Every every time, my kids make it!

And I bet you already have everything you need.
You should whip them up right now. Another option is this next weekend. Also, during your next potluck, you will be the envy of the party!

My family has used this recipe for generations. Plus, there are a plethora of variants and at least a dozen distinct names for it.

What You Need for the Crust:

1 box of uncooked yellow cake mix
Eight tablespoons of melted butter
One egg
Layer of Oleo:

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