Orchid suffers from the heat in summer: if you forget to do this in September you will find it dead


  1. Watering from Below: Before leaving, thoroughly water your orchids using the immersion method. Place the orchid in a basin of water for at least half an hour, allowing it to absorb water through the pot’s drainage holes. This helps the plant remain moist for an extended period.
  2. Increasing Light Exposure: Orchids typically prefer partial shade and indirect sunlight. A few days before your departure, expose them to sunlight for a few hours to “recharge” their energy. Ensure the exposure is indirect to avoid the risk of burning.
  3. Avoiding Darkness: Orchids are indoor plants but require light for sustenance. Never leave them in complete darkness, even for a few days, as this could lead to their demise. When closing shutters for your vacation, leave some space for light to enter the room where the orchids are located, ensuring the continuity of the photosynthesis process.
  4. Providing an Energy Boost: The day before your departure, fertilize your orchids with a suitable fertilizer. Opt for a fertilizer containing potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, diluted in water and poured into the plant. This extra energy boost helps sustain the orchid during your absence.