Step 2: Preparation
Take a small saucepan and add the chickpeas along with a litre of water. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. This process allows all the crucial nutrients in the chickpeas to infuse into the water.
Step 3: Filtering
Once boiled, turn off the heat and strain the liquid through a sieve. Discard the solid remains, as we will only use the nutrient-rich liquid for fertilization.
Step 4: Cooling
Allow the liquid to cool. Congratulations, your powerful organic fertilizer is now ready for application!

Application and benefits:
This fertilizer is a game-changer for all types of plants, from leafy to flowering varieties. Use it monthly on plants that appear stagnant, reluctant to flower, or have lost their vigor. It is equally beneficial for plants that are already in flower, ensuring long, robust blooming.
Application is simple: spray your plants’ soil with this nutrient-rich elixir once every 30 days. Watch as the roots absorb these nutrients, triggering noticeable accelerated growth and a profusion of flowers.
Key Reminders for Success:
Consistency is key! Use this fertilizer for at least three months to allow your plants to adjust and bloom. Also, remember to measure your plant’s sunlight and water needs. Combined with this organic fertilizer, these three elements (water, sunlight, and our chickpea-infused elixir) will boost your plant’s flowering process.
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