It doesn’t end there, since the precarious closing of the refrigerator door also risks ruining the food, which will not be able to be preserved properly. If through the paper towel trick we have realized that the door has a problem, we need to intervene to solve it. How? Simply by using a hair dryer , with which we will heat the rubber gasket of the refrigerator door. In this way the elastic should recover its function and the door should close regularly again. To check this, just repeat the operation with the paper towel: if it no longer comes out, it means that everything went well.
How to Deep Clean Your Refrigerator
A refrigerator, to work well and therefore consume less, must also be very clean . To sanitize the refrigerator as best as possible, we can use a very effective method. All you need to do is get a container in which to insert a spoonful of bicarbonate and a little water, perhaps using a funnel. Once the operation is complete, close the container with a spray nebulizer and ‘shake’ the solution to mix it properly.
Clean the refrigerator
How to Clean Your Refrigerator Properly –
Once this is done, we can proceed to cleaning the fridge, spraying the solution on the walls and in every corner of the appliance and cleaning everything with a simple kitchen cloth. In a few minutes the fridge will be perfectly sanitized and bad smells will be just a bad memory. The mix of bicarbonate and water is also perfect for removing dirt that accumulates on the rubber gasket. Just spray a little and proceed to cleaning with a toothbrush.