Put 1 bay leaf in the vacuum cleaner, the remedy of ancient grandmothers


It is nothing more than a digestive drink that helps eliminate heaviness in the stomach and is a panacea for our entire body, which will benefit from its properties.

But according to an old advice passed down by our grandmothers, bay leaf can also be useful for cleaning the house and more particularly when we vacuum.

Indeed, according to this method, the air would become more breathable and more fragrant by inserting leaves inside our device thanks to the clearance of the ventilation ducts of the tool.

To do this we must take 8-9 bay leaves and break them directly inside the vacuum cleaner bag, so that once we vacuum the different rooms of our house, the Typical odor of the device will be detected.

Laurel: this is why it should be put in the vacuum cleaner

So, minute by minute, the air will become healthier because the bay leaf will absorb bad odors and humidity and make the surrounding air breathable and fragrant, which is also good for our body.

This method is not known to everyone, because it is believed that putting bay leaf in the vacuum cleaner could create problems that could damage our device.

Grandmothers’ advice

But there is no problem, because this plant is inserted into the bag and not directly into the vacuum cleaner, so there is no risk of the small pieces of leaves damaging the device.

Laurel has always been a perfect ally for household chores and can be used in many ways, but this is one of the best because it can be a perfect replacement for room perfumes, candles and incense.

Often the flame of the latter tends to make the air less healthy, due to the combustion of the incense or the candle itself, and to leave that typical burning smell that we can sometimes smell a once they are turned off.

Laurel: this is why it should be put in the vacuum cleaner

Otherwise, by placing the bay leaf in the vacuum cleaner bag, its substances and fragrance will be released into all the rooms of our house thanks to the action of the device.

The smell will stay in our home for a long time and we will not only have cleaned our rooms but we will also have perfumed them without spending a lot of money, since bay leaf can be found on the market for a few euros, either in the form of leaves or in the form whole plant.

All you have to do is try this ancient method to make your home smell nice and clean in a natural way.