Put this in your living room and you won’t see a single mouse around – they all move away


Removing every mouse from the house is important, which is why we must always take action. Obviously, in the event of an infestation it is important that a team of professionals is contacted immediately. What we must try to do is prevent their arrival and remove them in the most natural way possible, without harming them. There are methods that can be applied directly at home , without using something that leads to their death. The important thing is to know the authentic natural ingredients that they can’t stand, disseminating them throughout the living room .

What attracts mice to your home?
Before understanding what natural ingredients are to keep mice away, there are also actions to apply in order not to attract them. It is known that, in most cases, these animals are attracted by easy-to-find food and a den to hide in. For this reason, industry experts recommend:

Collect all waste and separate it in the appropriate bins. If these are damaged or tampered with, replace them immediately:
Never leave waste around the house or on the balcony, because it attracts hungry mice. Better to take another bag and seal everything, without allowing access;
The manhole covers for dark water must be intact and must not allow access. If the manhole cover is private it is important that it is checked every year by an expert, adding a steel mesh that prevents any type of access;

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