Spread baking soda between the tiles in your house: the reason is incredible


How to Use Baking Soda on Tiles

Here’s what you need to get perfect grout:

  • 100 g of sodium bicarbonate
  • 200 ml of water

Mix    the two ingredients and knead until you obtain a thick mixture that can be spread    over the surface to be treated. Also use a small brush to scrub the grout and remove accumulated dirt.

Let the mixture sit for at least 20 minutes    , so that any remaining dirt can soften, then continue scrubbing for a few more minutes and finally dry the tiles with a damp, wrung-out microfiber cloth.

You can also use diluted baking soda,    simply dissolve 50g of baking soda in 500ml of water and put the solution in a spray bottle.   Spray the mixture on the joints and leave for a few minutes, then scrub with the brush and finally dry with a microfiber cloth.