Stay Informed: Identifying Plastic Rice


The Mortar and Pestle Test: Crush a few grains with a mortar and pestle. Real rice should powder easily and feel gritty. Plastic grains will not break down as easily and may have a more elastic texture.

The Boil Test: Boil a small sample of rice. Keep an eye on the water. If you notice a thick layer of residue that looks unusual, it might be indicative of impurities. Real rice will have some starch that floats to the top but it shouldn’t leave behind a significant residue.

The Mold Test: Cook some rice and let it sit in a warm place for two or three days. If it’s real rice, it will mold. Plastic rice will remain clear of mold due to its inorganic nature.

Why It’s Important: Eating plastic, obviously, poses serious health risks. Ensuring the authenticity of rice not only protects your health but also guarantees that you’re consuming nutritionally beneficial grains.

Purchasing Tips: To minimize risks, buy rice from reputable sources—trusted grocery stores or local markets. Familiar brands that adhere to food safety standards are less likely to sell adulterated products.

Conclusion: While widespread plastic rice may be more of a myth than reality, knowing how to confirm the authenticity of your rice provides peace of mind. Use these simple tests to ensure your rice is safe to eat, and enjoy your meals without worry.