The Body Part You Wash First While Bathing Reveals Your Personality


What You Wash First When You Shower Reveals How You Are!

Depending on whether you first wash your hair, face, shoulders, talk about your character
Scientists have found that what first washed in the shower actually reflects our character.

1. If you wash your Hair first

If your head or hair is the part of your body you wash first in the shower, you are a person who likes discipline and order. The topmost part of your body generally denotes strength and washing it first indicates that you have a firm opinion about everything and you believe in being practical. You also manage time very well and are known for your punctuality. You often put brains above wealth when choosing your friends.

2. If you wash your Chest first

If you wash the chest-area first, you are very comfortable in your own skin. You have an alpha personality type which means you are independent and very clear with your approach in life. You do not beat around the bush.

3. If you wash your Armpits first

If you tend to wash your armpits first, you are very popular in social circles and your friends adore you. You are known to stand by your friends in good and bad times. You are a soft-hearted person, who doesn’t know the concept of grey. You love in extremes which means you either love someone completely or you hate them altogether.

4. If you wash your Face first

If you wash your face first, you are basically tending to all the 5 senses — smell, sight, taste, touch, and hearing. It means you are very concerned about how you are perceived, and thus want to take the utmost care of what is noticed first by others — the face.

You are always anxious about what others think of you and at times, get frustrated or stressed and might feel embarrassed too. It is hard for these people to hear bad things about themselves.

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