These creatures crawled out of the vents. Family immediately forced out of their home


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention shared that ‘bats are the leading cause of rabies d_eaths in people in the United States.’

‘There is no treatment for rabies. Either you get the vaccine or you d_ie,’ the worries mother said.
Isaiah, the father, said there is ‘no manageable way of understanding if you’ve been bitten.’

The family has set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for a new home and growing medical bills.

‘We have renters insurance but they’ve stated to use that “a bat infestation is not a covered loss” and that despite the fact that the home has been declared uninhabitable that it would have to be for a reason that is a covered loss,’ Isaiah said on the page.

‘Dracula is real, ya’ll,’ he added

In an update from February 2, the father and husband said he and his family have been ‘overwhelmed by the support’ they’ve received, and were contacted by someone with a furnished townhouse to use.

‘We will be moving into a townhouse for the next month as we work to figure out what to do next,’ Isaiah said.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported there are 16 different species of bats in the state of Georgia.

According to the CDC, though most bats don’t have rabies, it is not possible to tell if they do or not just by looking at it, the viral disease has to be tested and confirmed in a lab