Tomatoes, if you store them like this, they will last you a long time: perhaps you discovered them earlier


The procedure for preserving tomatoes

First you need the pot. Add 2 liters of water to the pot  and bring to the boil. Meanwhile,  place 2.5kg of tomatoes in airtight jars.  You need to arrange the tomatoes tightly, pressing them lightly but being careful not to break them. You’ll end up with a jar full of tomatoes that don’t need to move, so it’s good to mesh them together and assess their size. Meanwhile,  chop 20 cloves of garlic  in a food processor or mince them with a knife.

Spicchi di aglio 

A volta che the water bollirà, toglierla dal fornello and versarla nei vasetti with i pomodori,  mettendo a cucchiaio nel barattolo . Questo  sarà indispensabile per evitare the rottura del vetro  dovuta all’acqua bollente, quindi è un procedure assolutamente da non saltare. Aiutatevi with a mestolo e versate lentamente the water fino and riempire fino all’orlo il barattolo. A volta finito, coprite il barattolo with a coperchio senza chiuderlo and  lasciate riposare il tutto per almeno 20 minuti .

After 20 minutes,  put the water contained in the tomatoes back into the pot  and add 100  ml of vinegar, 100  grams  of sugar  and  2 tablespoons of salt  . Stir until the ingredients are well combined and return the pot to the heat to bring to a boil. In the meantime, add the chopped garlic to the jars with the tomatoes. Don’t worry if it stays mostly on the surface. Once the water has boiled, you must pour it back into the glasses, again with the help of a spoon to prevent the glass from breaking. The hot water brings the chopped garlic pieces with it so that they can be well distributed in the jar . Once the jar is filled, close it with the airtight lid and shake to distribute the garlic well. The effect you need to achieve by shaking the glass is similar to that of glass balls containing artificial snow.

Tomatoes in a jar

Cover the jars filled with tomatoes, water and garlic with a heavy blanket and allow to cool. They should then be stored in a cool, light-protected place. You will be able to eat delicious tomatoes even in winter.