Washing machine, do it before starting each wash: checkmate to the bill


Precisely for this reason, the citizens of our country are looking for various tricks , which help them save some money. If you have noticed that your electricity bill is too high, perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Our first piece of advice is to absolutely avoid using this appliance during the hours when it costs the most. The cheapest hours are very early in the morning, at night and on weekends. Also try to reduce the number of washes and wash your clothes only when it is really essential.

But there is a really incredible trick that we are sure will help you save a lot of money. Maybe many of you didn’t even know that this program was optional and that it would lead to an increase in the cost of electricity on your bill. Here we reveal what it is.

Do this before every wash.
Before each washing machine, you should actually evaluate whether prewash is really necessary. Prewash is a washing program particularly indicated on those garments that are very dirty.

If you think that the clothes or linens you have to wash are not that much, you can safely avoid programming it. Only in this way you will save a lot of money on your electricity bill.

One trick is to soak the clothes in a basin with cleaning and whitening substances such as baking soda. If you do this, it will be like having done a sort of pre-wash.

Finally, wash in the washing machine and you will see how you will be able to save a lot of money. We are sure that by paying attention to this small detail you will finally be able to avoid getting a very high electricity bill at the end of the month.