What Personality Traits Does Your Foot Shape Indicate?


Your foot type might tell more about you than just the kinds of shoes you should wear, whether you have long or squared-off feet. Folklore holds that the five primary foot shapes—based on the lengths of the toes—can be used to infer one’s personality. Some people firmly believe in astrology, while others are skeptics. See if you agree that your foot shape reveals anything about your personality.

1. The Flame Foot.The Greek form is another name for this foot type. While the other toes are shorter, the second toe is longer than the big toe. Due to their sometimes impulsive impulses, this type of foot is linked to someone who is creative, has strong beliefs, and is prone to stress. This foot form is often associated with a «my way or the highway» mentality.

2) The Square Foot. Also called the peasant shape, the squared-off toes form almost a straight line across. This shape signifies that you’re a practical person and a planner at heart, which means that you are an excellent caregiver or head of household.

3) The Roman Foot. This foot shape has a squared-off look with the first three toes being longer than all the others. People with this type of foot are thought to have a well-balanced nature and to enjoy discovering new places and new cultures.

4) The Germanic Foot. With this type of foot shape, the big toe is longer than all the other toes forming a straight line that steps down from the big toe, with the pinky often times much smaller.

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