It’s important to note that this hack won’t always work and the results aren’t guaranteed. For example, Brooke tried the hack in her home, and the results were unsuccessful. “Before I started, I compared the internet speeds between my porch and living room, where the router is located. The difference was massive” She shared. “One sheet of aluminum foil didn’t make any difference at all, and using two sheets of foil or the soda can seemed to drop speeds by a few Mbps. I tried
adjusting the angle that the curved portion of the foil or can faced, as well as their locations beside the router, but I didn’t notice much of a difference with my internet speed when I tried to connect.”
Brooke concluded: “Though it didn’t quite work for me, it can’t hurt to give this trick a shot before forking over significant cash for a Wi-Fi extender if you’re having internet connection problems. After all, it did work for the Dartmouth researchers.” She also notes factors including the size of your space and your internet plan impact this theory’s success rate.
Other Tools
A piece of aluminum foil with a dragon printed on it.
Continued on next page