5 minutes – and the soot is gone! My home remedy cleans without effort (easy and safe way)


Old cast iron skillets can be cleaned using any method without causing any harm.

Aluminum cookware should not be dry cleaned, since if the top layer is damaged, oxidation will begin to occur and harmful substances that are hazardous to health will be released.

For my method, you don’t need to buy expensive cleaning products; improvised products that are found in every housewife’s home will come to the rescue. Regular detergents and cleaners did not help me in this situation, I decided to try the miracle method, after which I was pleasantly surprised.

What we need:

  • Baking soda – 1 tablespoon.
  • Mustard powder – 1 tablespoon.
  • Hot water – 1 glass.
5 minutes - and the soot is gone! My home remedy cleans without effort (easy and safe way)
  • Pour baking soda and mustard powder into a frying pan and add hot water.
  • Mix everything well with a spoon so that there are no lumps.
  • Place the frying pan over medium heat and cover with a lid, always making sure that the resulting foam does not rise too much (otherwise it will run out onto the gas stove).
5 minutes - and the soot is gone! My home remedy cleans without effort (easy and safe way)
  • While working, you should open the windows to avoid harm to your respiratory system or wear a mask.
  • When the foam begins to rise, remove the lid and reduce the heat.
  • The mixture should boil for 5 minutes, if there is heavy carbon deposits – 10 minutes.
5 minutes - and the soot is gone! My home remedy cleans without effort (easy and safe way)
  • After the time has passed, pour the mustard-soda mixture into the sink and rinse the pan with hot water.
  • Then use a soft dish sponge to wash away the carbon deposits.

If the frying pan is coated, you cannot use metal brushes, as the layer is very thin and can easily be damaged.

This will take approximately 2 minutes. There was no soot, the frying pan became like new, it acquired its original appearance. I was pleased with the result, and now I will recommend it to all my loved ones.

5 minutes - and the soot is gone! My home remedy cleans without effort (easy and safe way)

Using this method, you can save a lot of money on the purchase of expensive products. Take note of the miracle cure for fat and soot.