Guavas are delicious and nutritious fruits that can add a tropical twist to your diet. However, there are a few common mistakes people make when handling, preparing, or eating guavas. Here are five things not to do with guava to ensure you get the best out of this delightful fruit.
1. Don’t Eat Unripe Guavas
Bitter Taste: Unripe guavas can be quite bitter and hard, making them less enjoyable to eat. Always wait until the fruit is fully ripe, which you can tell by its yellowish skin and soft texture.
Digestive Issues: Eating unripe guavas might cause digestive discomfort due to their high acidity and firmness. Allow the fruit to ripen fully for a sweeter, more pleasant experience.
2. Don’t Discard the Seeds
Nutrient-Rich: Guava seeds are edible and packed with nutrients like fiber and antioxidants. While they might seem hard, they add a crunchy texture and health benefits to your guava consumption.
Smoothie Addition: If you’re not a fan of the seeds’ texture, blend them into smoothies for a nutritious boost without the crunch.