6 Helpful Tips for Growing Zucchini Plants


Growing zucchini is popular because zucchini is one of the easiest plants to grow in your garden. Most gardeners can plant a few zucchini plants and watch the plants grow quickly without any problems.

I love zucchini. Aside from tomatoes, zucchini is the only vegetable that really signals summer to me. I love a whole bunch of zucchini recipes. So, I want to make sure our harvest is bountiful and it usually is. In fact, our harvest tends to be so bountiful that I beg my parents, family, and friends to share in it too.

Here are some tips we use when growing zucchini plants.
1) Plant at the right time
Zucchini plants are NOT frost friendly at all. If you plant your zucchini plants before the threat of frost has passed, you risk your entire harvest.
Zucchini don’t even like cold temperatures, but I can’t blame them!
So this means you have to resist the temptation and not plant too early. If the fruit forms in cold weather, it’s unlikely that it will grow well.

2) Choose the right place
Once you have found the right time to plant your zucchini, you need to decide where to plant zucchini in your garden. The spot you choose should receive full sun, so a garden bed that is shaded by a large tree is a BAD choice!

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