Aloe Vera: you’ve never used it like this, I have some cool tips for you


As should always be used the aloe vera that we have at home or of which we buy the gel in herbalists or pharmacies. It really works wonders.

Aloe leaves
Aloe vera is a plant that can be very valuable for us. In fact, we know well how it is possible to obtain a gel whose properties are considered extremely versatile and very useful, in various fields. Additionally, aloe vera is also present in many cosmetic products.

But it is also found in the medicinal field, with various medications that are based on the anti-inflammatory, purifying, disinfectant and restorative properties that distinguish aloe vera. The total composition of the gel of this plant is 90% vitamins and 10% water.

The extraction of the gel must take place only and exclusively from mature plants, at least three years old. And this process is quite simple, as it requires you to make an incision on the leaves by cutting around the edge. But you need to be very careful about the part where the thorns appear.

Aloe vera, how to use it at home: the benefits of its gel
An aloe plant

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Once this is done, the leaf will be squeezed to ensure that the liquid comes out faster and more efficiently. All you have to do is collect everything. The use of the gel must be implemented immediately, if it must then be left we must place it in jars with airtight lids and store everything in the refrigerator .Continued on next page