“Anyone know what this could be? I have found two piles of these … in my daughters’ room.”


She had only ever seen a few dead ones at most. She adds that since she grew up on a farm, she is familiar with the appearance of mouse droppings, which these are not. Bats was the last name proposed, but given that she lives in West Texas, that seems improbable.

The Enigma Is Eventually Answered

She also stated twice that it is only in her daughter’s room and that she cleans the entire house every day. In fact, according to her, it can form in as little as two days. She states that the landlords have been contacted to inspect them in the last update prior to the resolution. In any case, Tarin expressed gratitude to the group for their response. Even if they were unable to respond fully, they undoubtedly contributed to her ability to remain cheerful under a distressing situation.

The identity of the mysterious pile
Ultimately, the solution is wildly inappropriate. It appeared from one comment that one of their children’s lavender bears had ruptured. Things like this were inside at that point. This reminded Tarin that there was a purple blush bear among the toys in the pile that was atop the unexplained pile.

She had thrown it out thinking it was contaminated. She went back to look for it and discovered that it did, in fact, have a hole in it. Upon opening it, Tarin was surprised to see that it contained the items in the enigmatic pile! Everything works out in the end, we think.