Aspirin in the washing machine, throw it away and see what happens: perfect clothes


How to use aspirin to remove stains and degrease clothes

In this case, 5 325 mg tablets are enough to make your clothes shine again. To use them correctly, dissolve the aspirin in 7 liters of hot water, they can be added to the water whole, or divided so that they dissolve faster.

Once dissolved, the clothing to be treated is immersed in the basin and left to soak for at least 8 hours. The ideal would be to soak them overnight and leave them there overnight. This applies to those who are used to washing clothes by hand. Alternatively, throw the aspirin in the washing machine , letting it dissolve before starting the wash. Next, give him the boot.
When the use of aspirin is not recommended

The use of aspirin is recommended on white clothing, while it is not recommended at all on black or brightly colored clothing: the chemical reaction could discolour them.

It is also not recommended to use it on blood-stained clothing, especially with hot water, because you risk setting the stains even more. Anyone who wants to try it can try dissolving the medicine in very cold water and then soaking the clothes.

If the stain is already dry, it is necessary to rub the aspirin and let it sit for a couple of hours. Secondly, proceed with washing. The result could be surprising.