Caring for Christmas Cactus: Boosting Blooms, Propagation & Identifying Festive Varieties


It’s vital to ensure their roots aren’t submerged in water as they can be susceptible to root rot. Should you have a saucer under the pot, discard any stagnant water that accumulates.

These holiday-loving plants have a penchant for humidity. If your locale doesn’t naturally provide it, you can simulate a moist environment by placing the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles. The trick is to ensure the pot doesn’t touch the water while the evaporating moisture envelops the plant in its embrace.

Growing Medium
In the wild, these cactuses thrive not in typical soil, but in natural nooks cradling organic detritus. A potting mix specially formulated for cacti or succulents, which offers superior drainage, is ideal.

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