Cockroaches and cockroaches in the house? With this remedy, you eliminate them all!


We need to create a solution based on water and Marseille soap, which works as a repellent for cockroaches and cockroaches with its spicy aroma. Dilute a tablespoon (liquid or flakes) in half a liter of water, mix and transfer the mixture to a vaporizer. At this point, we are going to spray it in corners or where we have registered the presence of insects.

We can also make the same insecticide with the addition of essential oils, choose those with rosemary, eucalyptus, they are the most effective and for the purpose and the most hated by pests.

Likewise, fresh seedlings also work perfectly to deter unwanted coexistence in our homes. A bunch of bay leaf, garlic or rosemary is fatal for them. All you have to do is place them at strategic points to determine their instant escape.

But if you prefer to create real traps, get some jars and place them here and there in the rooms. You can leave them as they are with a little water in the bottom. Cockroaches and cockroaches will enter to quench their thirst and will be imprisoned without being able to leave. Or again, you can spread Vaseline inside and place a piece of fruit on the base. Attracted by food, they will enter but have no way out.

Easy, right! And without using chemicals!