Crafting Your Own Garlic Oil: A Step-by-Step Guide


Step 4: Combine Ingredients

Place your prepared garlic in the sterilized jar. If using, add your herbs now. Pour enough oil into the jar to completely cover the garlic. Make sure there are no air pockets and that the garlic is fully submerged to prevent any chance of bacterial growth.

Step 5: Seal and Store Tightly seal the jar and store it in the refrigerator. This is crucial as garlic in oil can develop bacteria if left at room temperature.

Step 6: Use and Enjoy Let the oil infuse for a few days in the fridge before using it. The longer it sits, the more flavorful it will become. Use your garlic oil to drizzle over salads, stir into pasta, or brush onto breads for toasting.

Conclusion Making your own garlic oil is a rewarding and practical project that enhances your cooking with little effort. By following these simple steps, you can ensure you have a delicious and safe condiment on hand that elevates your dishes with the robust flavor of garlic. Enjoy your homemade garlic oil in your favorite recipes or as a delightful gift for friends and family!