DIY Natural Boxelder Bug Spray



2 TBSP Dawn dish soap

1 Gallon Water


Begin by filling a spray bottle with a gallon of water.

Add 2 tablespoons of Dawn dish soap into the water-filled spray bottle.

Secure the lid and give it a good shake to ensure the dish soap and water are well combined.

Remember, this spray works on direct contact with the bugs. It won’t affect them if you simply spray it around your porch or miss them. Aim to hit the bugs directly. They should perish within 1-2 minutes. If they’re still active, don’t hesitate to give them another spray. It’s handy to have a larger quantity of this mixture ready to refill your spray bottle when needed.

Section 3: Usage Tips and Precautions

While this natural spray is an effective solution, it does come with certain limitations and precautions.

Firstly, the spray does not work on boxelder bug eggs. A simple solution to deal with the eggs is to step on them.

Secondly, be cautious when spraying around your plants. Dawn dish soap, while harmless to most animals, can be detrimental to plants. Avoid spraying this solution directly on them as it could lead to their demise.

Finally, this spray is only effective upon direct contact with the bugs. A spray mist in the general area won’t yield the desired results. Aim directly at the bugs for optimal effectiveness.


This DIY Natural Boxelder Bug Spray offers an easy and natural method to combat the boxelder bug issue at your home. It’s a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to chemical sprays. With this guide, you’re now equipped to tackle these pests in an effective and nature-conscious way. Happy bug hunting!