Do you know why our grandmothers rubbed the mirror with onion and put a bay leaf in the sugar? Discover grandma’s tips that will make your life easier!


It has become a common habit to look for solutions on the internet when we are faced with something we don’t know how to deal with.

In the past, helpful advice was shared among family and neighbors, and grandmothers had a solution for almost everything.

There is never enough good advice!

In this article, thanks to the Vstolovke portal, you will discover the best granny tips that can make your life easier even in this modern era.

Clean windows without streaks To have perfectly clean and streak-free windows, add a little corn or potato starch to the water in a container.

Make sure it dissolves completely.

The ideal is to prepare this simple means for washing windows.

Mix a tablespoon of starch with the juice of half a lemon, add half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of water.

Your windows will shine clean and streak-free!

Removing condensation from windows If your windows constantly fog up on the inside, a mixture of glycerin and liquid soap can help remove condensation.

To do this, combine 100 g of glycerin with the same amount of liquid soap and mix everything well.

Apply the mixture in a thin layer on the clean glass.

It is appropriate to do it with a soft cloth and make sure to distribute the mixture well so that the window shines.

Recover the shine of metal objects If metal surfaces have lost their shine, try this grandmother’s tip.

Place several pieces of onion in a blender, add a little water and blend until you get a paste.

Then, rub the metal with this mixture using a cloth and polish it with another dry cloth.

Onion solution restores the original shine of dull metal surfaces.

Remove greasy stains from clothes Have you noticed greasy oil stains on your clothes?

Place the garment in the sink with the stain facing up and spray it with boiling water for as long as possible.

The dirt will disappear before your eyes.


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