Harnessing Prosperity and Happiness with the Jade Tree by AnnaMaria


The Jade Tree is a great way to bring more good energy into your house or workplace. Stay away from places that are too obscure or unnoticed.
When Working: Keep a jade tree on your desk or in close proximity to your workstation to attract good fortune and success to your job.
Preserving and Updating:
Always make sure the jade tree gets water, but don't let it sit in water.
Care for the plant with an attitude of plenty and joy to bring forth its full potential.
In conclusion, the jade tree is more than just a pretty plant; it is a lucky charm and a sign of plenty. It has the potential to become a potent talisman that aids in the establishment of a peaceful and favorable atmosphere when placed with care in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui.
Please note that the objective of this article is purely informative and does not constitute medical advice. Please take this material for what it is: an illustration, not a warning or a lesson.