Here’s what’s hiding in your mattress: if you knew, you would always clean it


Clean sheets don’t guarantee a clean bed because your mattress is part of the equation, and cleaning it is essential. Just how dirty can a mattress get? We’ll dive into that in the next section.

The dirt hidden in your mattress: here’s what you need to know

As mentioned, clean sheets alone don’t make for a clean bed. The mattress needs washing too, as dirt builds up over time, making it unclean. Consider the dead skin cells or sweat that mix with sheet fibers and settle into the mattress.

Dust mites are always present, making mattress cleaning crucial, especially for allergy sufferers. If you wake up with a congested or runny nose, it might be time for a thorough clean.


Did you know that a mattress can double in weight over ten years? This is due to the accumulation of skin cells, mold, bacteria, human hair, dust mites, their excrement, and dead insects.

This mixture makes your mattress far from appealing. Now that you know, you’ll likely want to clean your mattress immediately. So, here’s how to do it properly. Start by removing the sheets.

How to clean your mattress

To clean your mattress, you’ll need three things: a vacuum, a damp cloth, and baking soda. Start by vacuuming the mattress to remove surface dust and dirt, preventing it from spreading further. Next, sprinkle baking soda over the mattress.


Baking soda is highly effective for neutralizing odors that have accumulated over time. It also helps eliminate moisture and grime. Afterward, wipe down the mattress with a damp cloth to remove stains. For stubborn stains, create a paste using baking soda, water, and salt.

Apply the paste to the stains and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then, wipe it off with a cloth dampened with cold water. Your mattress will be thoroughly clean. Remember to do this twice a year and to clean the pillows as well, as they also accumulate dirt.