Here’s Why You Should Burn Bay Leaves in Your Home


Bay leaf can also be taken in the form of herbal tea to treat insomnia, chronic stress and sudden mood changes.

In the culinary field, it is useful for regulating glucose and cholesterol in cooking certain foods, especially for diabetics who want to protect themselves from kidney stones. In herbal teas, bay leaf can prevent the proliferation and spread of leukemia.

How to use bay leaves?
How to use bay leaves?
How to use bay leaves?
Feel free to include it in all your hot meal recipes to take full advantage of its benefits, but be sure to remove it before serving so as not to choke.

If you are feeling stressed or in a bad mood, simply put one or two bay leaves in a tin can and place it in a heat-resistant container or tray, then burn the paper. You can do this in your bedroom or office. Let it crackle for 10 minutes. Make sure the windows are closed so the wind doesn’t blow on them and keep the tray away from anything that could be flammable (like paper, wood or linen). If your home has a smoke detector, turn it off to avoid an unnecessary alarm.

Once inside, the smoke from the plant will relax your muscles and mind. You will be more zen and will have an easier time focusing on what you need to do. When you are done, place the container filled with ashes outside.

Other plants to use for natural fumigation in your home
White sage:
Sage is known to clean the room of a sick person, expelling bad feelings and removing negative energies. It has the ability to purify the aura, the house and existing objects. It is the most powerful herb in terms of purification and effectiveness.

St. John’s Wort:
If you burn it like incense during the summer solstice, it will protect you from fire and lightning. It is also a perfect herb to protect you from the evil eye and bad vibes coming from outside. It is a very popular plant for love, healing and good health.

Rose of Jericho or Resurrection Plant:
This plant comes in the form of a ball of withered leaves. If you put it in water, in a few hours, the ball will open and change color. It is a notorious lucky charm that you can use to invoke love and money. It is also said to have the gift of absorbing all negative energies. Keep it in a dry and bright place.