Homemade Chicken Soup Cubes: Healthy, Affordable, and Delicious


1 teaspoon black pepper
Optional herbs: thyme, rosemary, or parsley

Prepare the Stock:
Place the chicken bones in a large pot and add enough water to cover them completely. Bring this to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.
As the bones boil, foam will begin to rise to the surface. Skim this off with a spoon and discard.
Add the chopped carrots, celery, onion, and garlic to the pot. Season with salt and pepper, and add any herbs you like.
Allow the mixture to simmer for 3-4 hours, uncovered, stirring occasionally.
Strain and Cool:
After the stock has developed a rich flavor, remove it from heat and strain out the solids. Allow the liquid to cool completely. Once cool, any fat on the surface can be skimmed off and discarded.
Make Soup Cubes:
Pour the cooled stock into ice cube trays. Freeze until solid.
Once frozen, pop the soup cubes out of the trays and store them in freezer bags.
Use as Needed:
Whenever you need a flavor boost in your cooking, use a cube or two in place of regular broth or water. These cubes are perfect for making quick soups, enriching sauces, or cooking grains like rice or quinoa.

Healthier: No additives or preservatives, and you can control the amount of salt.
Economical: Utilizes leftovers and reduces waste.
Versatile: Can be used in numerous recipes to add depth and flavor.
Conclusion: Homemade chicken soup cubes are not only a healthier choice but also a cost-effective and versatile kitchen hack. They provide a wonderful way to enrich and flavor dishes with the comforting taste of homemade broth. Try this simple recipe, and you might never go back to store-bought cubes again! Enjoy the wholesome goodness of homemade chicken soup cubes and elevate your cooking to the next level.